Sunday 28 July 2013

Squirrelling nuggets of wisdom

You just never know who is going to visit your garden. This little guy (I think we should call him Ruairi - translates as red-haired king in Gaelic) has been paying regular visits to our bird table and enjoying the spoils that he finds there.

I watched him this morning in the act of burying the nuts in the earth in the flower-pot! He went on to bury them in random places in the middle of the grass.

I have to admire his faith. Wherever he buries the nuts he has the belief that at some time in the future he will be able to come back and find his hidden store.

As he left that morning I could only step back and admire his simple faith. Perhaps we try too hard. 

Sunday 3 February 2013

The day Thou gavest Lord hast ended

For some reason this just spoke to me today.

I thought, is is about:

rest at life's end?


an angel whose work is done?

Why was it speaking to me?

Then I read its' title.

It is called 'Angel of Grief'.

Today is the 3rd February. A year ago today I lost my best friend.

Angel of grief - yes.

But, I think of my friend - a woman, a minister, whose work here on earth was done.

And I am glad that I knew her.

Glad that I shared such a wonderful, sparkling, journey with her.

Glad that she is now at rest at life's end, in the company of God and all the hosts of angels.