Monday 19 December 2011

The Long Lost Watch

File:Dante Gabriel Rossetti - Beata Beatrix, 1864-1870.jpg
This evening as I was flicking through the TV channels when I paused to listen to an antiques programme. A slot in the show describes antiques whose whereabouts are unknown. This evening it was a very unique watch designed by Dante Gabriel Rossetti.

Rossetti was an English poet, illustrator, painter and translator. He married one of his models, Elizabeth Siddal. She was his muse and his passion, he painted her time and time again.

(He painted this painting of her from memory after her death - Beata Beatrix).

Unfortunately, although he adored his Lizzie, Rossetti was a philanderer. It drove her into a great state of anxiety. She began taking Luadanum which eventually led to an overdose and her death.

Back and Face of a Watch - Two Designs for an EngravingDante was devastated when she died and even had all his unpublished poems buried with her.

He then designed this intricate watch which is filled with symbolism depicting their relationship. He wore it for the rest of his life and every time he looked at it he remembered his Lizzie. This is his drawing of the back and front of the watch.
It became a permanent reminder for him of what he had loved and lost.

Such a moving, sad story. For me it is a poignant reminder to appreciate the folk that we have in our lives - our loved ones, friends, good colleagues. To value them, give thanks for them and to enjoy all the precious time that we have with them.

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